Scheme Inception date is 22/12/2022. Mr. Abhishek Bisen have been managing the fund since 22/12/2022. Different plans have different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of regular plan Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. All payouts during the period ha...
Read More- The investment objective of the scheme is to track the Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index by investing in SDLs, maturing on or before July 2026, subject to tracking difference. There is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme would be achieved.
Sector | Portfolio weight |
Government Dated Securities | 96.83 % |
Net Current Assets | 3.17 % |
Tenors | CAGR | Current Value of ₹ 10,000 invested | ||||||||
Since Inception | 5Y | 3Y | 1Y | 6 M | Since Inception | 5Y | 3Y | 1Y | 6 M | |
Kotak Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index Fund-Reg (IDCW) | 7.20% | - | - | 7.75% | 3.63% | 11,544.40 | - | - | 10,774.76 | 10,363.20 |
Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index | 7.70% | - | - | 8.19% | 3.85% | 11,653.33 | - | - | 10,819.49 | 10,384.88 |
Scheme Inception date is 22/12/2022. Mr. Abhishek Bisen have been managing the fund since 22/12/2022. Different plans have different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of regular plan Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. All payouts during the period have been reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV. Simple annualized returns Read More
As on Jan 14, 2025
1 Year | |||||
Average | - | - | - | - | 7.42 |
Maximum | - | - | - | - | 8.55 |
Minimum | - | - | - | - | 6.46 |
% times +ve returns | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 100 |
% times returns > | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 67.70 |
The returns are of Regular Growth Plan. Returns are calculated since inception with daily rolling frequency for the respective periods.
let's calculate your dividend
since inception, you would have earned ₹ - as Dividend and your current value of investment ₹ 1,15,444
Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of the scheme will fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy (if applicable).
The dividend rates could be inclusive of statutory levy, if any. The dividend received by investors will be net of statutory levy (as applicable).
Dividends declared from benchmark's constituents isn't taken into account when comparing with investment in scheme's dividend plans.
SWP Calculator
NAV Date | NAV | Units | Cash Flow | Scheme Value |
Tenors | CAGR | Current Value of ₹ 10,000 invested | ||||||||
Since Inception | 5Y | 3Y | 1Y | 6 M | Since Inception | 5Y | 3Y | 1Y | 6 M | |
Kotak Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index Fund-Reg (IDCW) | 7.20% | - | - | 7.75% | 3.63% | 11,544.40 | - | - | 10,774.76 | 10,363.20 |
Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index | 7.70% | - | - | 8.19% | 3.85% | 11,653.33 | - | - | 10,819.49 | 10,384.88 |
Scheme Inception date is 22/12/2022. Mr. Abhishek Bisen have been managing the fund since 22/12/2022. Different plans have different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of regular plan Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. All payouts during the period have been reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV. Simple annualized returns have been provided as per the extant guidelines since the scheme has completed 6 months but not 1 year. N.A stands for data not available. Note: Point to Point (PTP) Returns in INR shows the value of 10,000/- investment made at inception. Source: ICRA MFI Explorer. # Name of Scheme Benchmark. ## Name of Additional Benchmark. TRI - Total Return Index, In terms of para 6.14 of SEBI Master circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/74 dated May 19, 2023, the performance of the scheme is benchmarked to the Total Return variant (TRI) of the Benchmark Index instead of Price Return Variant (PRI). Alpha is difference of scheme return with benchmark return.
- Income over Target Maturity Period
- Target Maturity Index Fund tracking Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index
Source: *ICRA MFI Explorer ## Risk rate assumed to be % (FBIL Overnight MIBOR rate as on NA) **Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST.
Source: *ICRA MFI Explorer
## Risk rate assumed to be %
(FBIL Overnight MIBOR rate as on NA)
**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST.
- Income over Target Maturity Period
- Target Maturity Index Fund tracking Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index